Bowhill Livery Stables Est. 2003

“I have been training with Kim for a while now and the improvement in my horse is fantastic. I would not miss one of her clinics for the world. The learning environment is relaxed and fun, and the support from the other participants is invaluable. Kim seems to have an answer for any problem your horse may throw at you. I thoroughly recommend these clinics to any level of horse or rider. Roll on the next one!!” Clare & Phoenix
"During the five years we lived in Scotland I was lucky enough to have stabled my horses at Bowhill Stables and work with Kim Peters. She introduced me to a search of softness and willingness in the horse and being a leader without strength. The in-hand work helps me to see how a horse actually moves and to understand the exercise better. I can work my horse on a very high (dressage) level and help him growing stronger. It is also a great warming-up. My riding approved a lot since I worked with Kim, because of the change in my seat and by doing less I achieve more. I will never forget 2 great skills of Kim: signaling a problem and second, thinking in solutions. She is a star in seeing what goes wrong and guiding the rider towards a solution without shouting, without being negative to the horse or the rider, without being impatient, without giving up. I moved to France with 'a bucket' full of exercises, knowledge and good memories. I continue the journey I started 5 years ago with Kim, even though we live 2000 kilometers apart"
Thank you so much, Kim!! " Heleen & Vlex
Training Clinics
Do you want a better relationship with your horse?
Do you want to refine your ridden skills?
Is their behaviour getting you down?
Do you want to better dressage scores?
Clinic Details
These clinics will cover all aspects of Classical Horsemanship – in-hand, lunging, rider’s position and ridden work. We cater for all levels of horse and rider, children are encouraged to participate. Nervous adults are very welcome.
On the first morning clinic participants will be separated into two groups according to skill levels and common issues. Each group will take part in two sessions per day. Starting in the morning with an in-hand and lunging session where riders will work from the ground. The afternoon session will be ridden and will be tailored to individual needs of each horse and rider. In-hand and lunging work is an integral part of training your horse so will be covered extensively during the clinic. Please complete the Rider Form in advance of the clinic and bring with you.
The first session will start every day at 9.30am, participants are asked to be ready for a morning discussion in advance of this at 9.00am. Each participant will receive approximately 3 hours of tuition per day you will also be expected to observe and contribute feedback to other groups when not riding. Often as much is learnt from observing others from the ground and these feedback sessions are essential to ensure you get maximum value from the clinic. The clinic will end between 4.30 – 5pm daily.
Please bring a leather lunging cavesson, two lunge lines, lunge whip, side reins and schooling whip. Equipment is available to borrow should you need to, or call and we can advise what to bring with you.
Livery - hay and a shavings bed included in the cost of the clinic. If you plan to arrive the night before the clinic please let us know in advance.
All participants are welcome to park and use their lorry onsite or camp/caravan. If you need recommendations for local B&B’s or hotels please call us and we would be very happy to help.