Bowhill Livery Stables Est. 2003
Horses are our passion and our business and every livery is treated to the individual attention they deserve. New horses settle in quickly and are soon relaxed, enjoying the peaceful life at Bowhill. We build our daily activities around a balance of routine, structure and firm, experienced handling which we know without fail our horses thrive on. Our livery client’s stay a long time and this is testimony to the care we give the horses and the friendly, encouraging atmosphere of the yard.
The yard is surrounded by miles of woodland and open countryside including circular routes over various terrain. There are grass canters and forest tracks. We have an outdoor, full sized floodlit sand school and a full set of show jumps for when you prefer to ride at home.
All horses have their own stable and are carefully introduced to a suitable herd of field mates who they will then remain with for all of their turnout. During the winter months all horses are stabled overnight with daily turnout during daylight hours. During the summer months horses are turned out 24hrs but most will be brought in during the day to be ridden and to maintain their routine.

25 stables
Full size sand arena with floodlights
Full set of showjump's
Shaving’s bedding with rubber matting
Good quality hay/haylege
25 acres of sheltered grazing for all year turnout
Secure tackroom’s
Trailer/Lorry parking
Regular clinics and onsite training from Kim Peters

The Estate
Bowhill Estate affords unbeatable off road hacking and the need never to venture onto roads. We are surrounded by miles of off road tracks in all directions and lots of long grass canters through the beautiful woodlands of Bowhill.
You will never get bored and we even after 12 years we occasionally find new routes we didn’t know about!